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It's real me...Nothing else to be question marked, Me just simple as you tought. "Everything is possible if there is love and patience"

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Shining Light (Re-post fromo my Friendster Blog at Thursday, January 10th, 2008)

Shining light

Roman candles that burn in the night
shine me the darkness of my heart

long time i am lying in the darkness
no stars, no sun or even light shines me up

awake in the darkness
live no one candles burn

I can’t see anything
black is the only one color that i known

no stars, no sun or even light shines me up

once time, there’s roman candles shine me bright
guide me out from the darkness of my heart

the candle shines me brightly
awake me up from the lying of the darkness
shines the darkness of my heart

i can see the true color in my life
see the stars, sun or even candles

the roman candles shines and warms me up
warms with love
the true love that i never feel

who has shine me up?
who has warm me up?
who has give me love?

is that you the roman candles?
but who has burn the roman candles?
You are the shining light


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