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It's real me...Nothing else to be question marked, Me just simple as you tought. "Everything is possible if there is love and patience"

Monday, April 18, 2011

Anniversary and Birthday party of Resha's Family

In 9th April 2011 Took place in Bandar Jakarta Seafood Restaurant where placed in Ancol beach area, Resha's Family, including Her Father, Her Mother, Her Brother (Andre) + girfriend (Rika) and Her Sister (Riska), were celebrating of Her 28th parents anniversary of marriage.

Besides that, they also celebrating 19th Riska's birthday were has just passed on 7th April 2011. The party was so simple and everyone took place to be closed with each other. Some laugh, smile also chatts are very interesting. I was invited to come and had task to take some pictures of them. Here are the pictures I just took on that day, please enjoy it.

Congratulation and Have a great days..


Mahendra (De'ViL Workz)

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